Joanne Lobato, PhD, PI, Professor Emeritus, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, San Diego State University (SDSU). She directed the research and development activities at the SDSU site and served as the instructor for three video units.

John Gruver, PhD, CoPI, Associate Professor, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Michigan Technological University (MTU). He directed the research and development activities at the MTU site and served as the instructor for two video units.

Michael McKean, PhD, Technical Specialist, San Diego State University. Mike created the project web site and implemented the edits, annotations, and animated summaries for all of the MathTalk videos. He also maintains the web site.

Alicia Gonzales, PhD, Postdoctoral Scholar, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Michigan Technological University. Alicia was involved in video creation, postproduction, and research on student learning from the videos. She also served as the teacher for the trigonometry unit.

Isabel White, MSED Doctoral Student, San Diego State University and UC San Diego. Isabel served as the narrator for the binomial multiplication unit and was involved in both video production and research on student learning from the videos. She collected her dissertation study data on the use of the algebraic expressions unit in a local classroom.

Mike Foster, PhD, Postdoctoral Research Associate, Rochester Institute of Technology. He served as the narrator for the algebraic expressions unit and was involved in both video production and research on student learning from the videos. For his dissertation research, Mike filmed two versions of a college algebra unit on covariational reasoning—one with scripted dialogue and one with unscripted dialogue—and conducted research comparing the two treatments.

C. David Walters, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, Weber State University. He wrote teacher support materials for five of the MathTalk units. He also served as the narrator for two units and conducted a study using one of the units in preservice secondary teacher training.