Logarithms Lesson 1

Justifying the Product Rule for Exponential Expressions

Josh and Arobindo write two equivalent exponential expressions that represent the growth of a magical beanstalk over any two consecutive time periods.  In doing so, they justify a rule for rewriting exponential expressions of a certain form.

Episode 1: Making Sense

The students create two equivalent expressions that both represent the height of the beanstalk 5 days after Day 2, and create a number line to represent these expressions 

Episode 2: Making Sense

Arobindo and Josh create two equivalent expressions that both represent the height of the beanstalk 18 days after Day 2, and create a number line to represent these expressions.

Episode 3: Repeating Your Reasoning

The students create an expression that represents the height of the beanstalk any number of days after Day 2, and create a number line to represent this expression.

Episode 4: Repeating Your Reasoning

The students create an expression that represents the height of the beanstalk 5 days after an unknown start date, and create a number line to represent this expression.

Episode 5: Reflecting 

Josh and Arobindo determine whether or not two exponential expressions are equivalent.

Episode 6: Reflecting

Arobindo and Josh interpret several exponential expressions using a number line.

Episode 7: Reflecting

The students create two equivalent exponential expressions that both represent the height of the beanstalk any number of days after an unknown start date. They justify these expressions using a number line.