Exponentials Lesson 1 Episode 6 (Teachers)


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Arobindo and Josh mark in mathematical relationships on a picture another student has drawn to show the factors by which a magical beanstalk is growing.

Episode Supports

Focus Questions

For use in a classroom, pause the video and ask these questions:

  1. Consider using all or some of these. Each one asks students to make sense of how Josh and Arobindo visually represent the growth rate in the drawing.
    • [Pause the video at 0:53] How does Arobindo visually represent the factor of 4 in the height increase from Day 0 to Day 1?
    • [Pause the video at 1:12] How does Arobindo visually represent the factor of 4 in the height increase from Day 1 to Day 2?
    • [Pause the video at 1:48] How does Josh visually represent the factor of 16 in the height increase from Day 0 to Day 2?
  2. [Pause the video at 1:55] Consider Josh’s claim that he knew that the height increase from Day 0 to Day 2 is 16 because it was “four groups of four.” Can you connect Josh’s claim, first to the contextual representation of the beanstalk growing at a certain rate every day, and then to the visual representation of the beanstalks with inscriptions made by Josh and Arobindo?

Supporting Dialogue

  1. [Pause the video at 0:22] Ask your students “What observations can you make about the relationship between the heights on Day 0 and Day 1 based on the students’ discussion and the picture? What other mathematical relationships do you notice?”
  2. After viewing the video, ask your students to summarize the key discovery made by Josh and Arobindo regarding the growth of the beanstalk. How do the students in the video express the relationship between the heights of the beanstalk on different days (e.g., on Day 0 versus Day 1, or Day 0 versus Day 2)?