Finding the Height at Any Time between Day 0 and Day 1
The students continue to explore the height of their beanstalk at fractional times of day. In this lesson, they discover how to find the height of the beanstalk at any time between Day 0 and Day 1.
Episode 1: Making Sense
The students create a timeline that shows how the beanstalk is growing over four one-quarter day time periods.
Episode 2: Exploring
Josh and Arobindo use their timeline to find the height of the beanstalk on Day ¾.
Episode 3: Repeating Your Reasoning
The students use their timeline to find the height of the beanstalk on Day ⅚.
Episode 4: Repeating Your Reasoning
Arobindo and Josh find the time when the beanstalk reaches a height of about 1.24573 cm.
Episode 5: Reflecting
The students reflect on the values they can plug into the equation they created that gives the height of the beanstalk on Day x, y=1(3x).
Episode 6: Reflecting
Josh and Arobindo reflect the possible values for y in the equation they created that gives the height of the beanstalk on Day x, y=1(3x).