Covariational Reasoning Lesson 1

Reasoning in a Linear Context

Zoe and Gisele explore the process of creating a graph for covarying quantities grounded in an elevator context. During this lesson, they explore the relationship between height and distance traveled, wrestle with the units in this context, and generalize their graph.

Episode 1: Making Sense

This lesson begins with an exploration of the elevator task, where students are asked to create a graph relating the height of a point, C, to its distance traveled as C travels up an elevator shaft.  

Episode 2: Exploring

In this episode, Zoe and Gisele clarify a point of confusion they have about the units of their graph.

Episode 3: Reflecting

This episode explores a strange question. Can the units on your x and y axis be the same?

Episode 4: Repeating Your Reasoning

The students extend their reasoning on the previous task to a task where the elevator goes up and back down the elevator shaft. 

Episode 5: Reflecting

After creating several graphs that relate the distance traveled by a point up and down elevator shafts of varying heights, Zoe and Gisele are ready to generalize their graph.