Vicarious Learning Design Principles Video Use
Vicarious Learning
Learning by observing video- or audio-taped presentations of other people engaged in dialogue.
Boesdorfer, S., Lorsbach, A., & Morey, M. (2011). Using a vicarious learning event to create a conceptual change in preservice teachers’ understandings of the seasons. Electronic Journal of Science Education, 15(1).
Chi, M., Roy, M., & Hausmann, R. (2008). Observing tutorial dialogues collaboratively: Insights about human tutoring effectiveness from vicarious learning. Cognitive Science: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 32(2), 301–341.
Chi, M. T., Kang, S., & Yaghmourian, D. L. (2017). Why students learn more from dialogue- than monologue-videos: Analyses of peer interactions. Journal of the Learning Sciences, 26(1), 10-50.
Craig, S. D., Sullins, J., Witherspoon, A., & Gholson, B. (2010). The deep-level-reasoning-question effect: The role of dialogue and deep-level-reasoning questions during vicarious learning. Cognition and Instruction, 24(4), 565–591.
Kolikant, Y. B. D., & Broza, O. (2011). The effect of using a video clip presenting a contextual story on low-achieving students’ mathematical discourse. Educational studies in mathematics, 76(1), 23-47.
Mayes, J. T. (2015). Still to learn from vicarious learning. E-learning and digital media, 12(3-4), 361-371.
McKendree, J., Stenning, K., Mayes, T., Lee, J., & Cox, R. (1998). Why observing a dialogue may benefit learning. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 14(2), 110-119.
Muldner, K., Lam, R., & Chi, M. T. (2014). Comparing learning from observing and from human tutoring. Journal of Educational Psychology, 106(1), 69-85.
Muller, D. (2008). Designing effective multimedia for physics education [Doctoral dissertation]. University of Sydney, Australia.
Muller, D., Sharma, M. D., Eklund, J., & Reimann, P. (2007). Conceptual change through vicarious learning in an authentic physics setting. Instructional Science, 35(6), 519–533.
Design Principles
For effective video-based online learning environments.
Karppinen, P. (2005). Meaningful learning with digital and online videos: Theoretical perspectives. AACE Journal, 13(3), 233–250.
Monthienvichienchai, R., & Sasse, M. A. (2002). Computer support for vicarious learning. Paper presented at the E-Learn 2002 Conference.
Muller, D., Sharma, M. D., & Reimann, P. (2008). Raising cognitive load with linear multimedia to promote conceptual change. Science Education, 92(2), 278–296
Seethaler, S., Burgasser, A. J., Bussey, T. J., Eggers, J., Lo, S. M., Rabin, J. M., Stevens, L., & Weizman, H. (2020). A research-based checklist for development and critique of STEM instructional videos. Journal of College Science Teaching, 50(1), 21-27.
Stiles, M. J. (2000). Effective learning and the virtual learning environment. In Proceedings of the European University Information Systems Congress (pp.171-180).
Weinberg, A. & Martin, J. (2020). Creating and using videos for teaching math: Suggestions from the field. MAA FOCUS, 40(4), pp. 20-23.
Young, C., & Asensio, M. (2002). Looking through three ‘I’s: The pedagogic use of streaming video. In S. Banks, P. Goodyear, V. Hodgson, & D. Mcconnell (Eds.), Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference onNetworked Learning (pp. 628-635). Sheffield University Press.
Video Use
The use of videos in online and classroom environments.
Bowers, J., Passentino, G., & Connors, C. (2012). What is the complement to a procedural video? Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching, 31(3), 213–248.
Güler, M., Kokoç, M., & Önder Bütüner, S. (2023). Does a flipped classroom model work in mathematics education? A meta-analysis. Education and Information Technologies, 28(1), 57-79.
Hamilton, E., & Harding, N. (2010). Tablet computing, creativity and teachers as applied microgenetic analysis: A paradigm shift in math teacher professional development. In R. H. Reed & D. A. Berque (Eds.), Impact of tablet PCs and pen-based technology on education: Going mainstream (pp. 47-56). Purdue University Press.
Khan, S. (2012). The one world school house: Education reimagined. New York, NY: Hachette Book Group.
Klinger, M., & Walter, D. (2022). How users review frequently used apps and videos containing mathematics. International Journal for Technology in Mathematics Education, 29(1), 25-35.
Meyer, D. (2014). What students do (and don’t do) in Khan Academy.
Murphy, R., Gallagher, L., Krumm, A. E., Mislevy, J., & Hafter, A. (2014). Research on the use of Khan academy in schools: Implementation report. SRI International.
Oechsler, V., & Borba, M. C. (2020). Mathematical videos, social semiotics and the changing classroom. ZDM, 52(5), 989-1001.
Weinberg, A., & Thomas, M. (2018). Student learning and sense-making from video lectures. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 49(6), 922-943.
Weinberg, A., Corey, D. L., Tallman, M., Jones, S. R., & Martin, J. (2022). Observing intellectual need and its relationship with undergraduate students’ learning of calculus. International Journal of Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education.
Yoon, M., Lee, J., & Jo, I. H. (2021). Video learning analytics: Investigating behavioral patterns and learner clusters in video-based online learning. The Internet and Higher Education, 50, 100806.