Josh and Arobindo determine whether or not two exponential expressions are equivalent.
Episode Supports
Students’ Conceptual Challenges
The prompt at 0:25 highlights a common challenge that students face when learning (or recalling) rules for exponents. Josh and Arobindo eagerly dispel this incorrect rule by leveraging the beanstalk context and the work they’ve done in prior episodes. You may want to solicit ideas from your students before watching this episode. If students think the friend is correct, you may consider having a class debate before letting Arobindo and Josh weigh in.
Focus Questions
For use in a classroom, pause the video and ask this question:
[Pause the video at 0:53] Can you rephrase Josh’s argument for why 32 ×36 is 38? Do you agree or disagree with Josh?
Supporting Dialogue
After watching the video, ask students to summarize Josh and Arobindo arguments for why they disagree with the friend. After some discussion, you can point out that Josh’s argument seems to utilize ideas about exponents in general while Arobindo’s argument relies on the context of the beanstalk and the number line. Ask your students to discuss how these two representations (the symbolic representation that Josh used and the visual/contextual representation that Arobindo used) are connected.