Logarithms Lesson 1 Episode 2 (Teachers)


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Arobindo and Josh create two equivalent expressions that both represent the height of the beanstalk 18 days after Day 2, and create a number line to represent these expressions.

Episode Supports

Focus Questions

For use in a classroom, pause the video and ask these questions:

  1. [Pause the video at 2:39] Arobindo and Josh have written two expressions to describe the height of the beanstalk 18 days after Day 2: 9 × 318 and 1×3(2+18). How are these two expressions similar? How are they different?
  2. [Pause the video at 3:59] How do the bumps that Josh drew connect to the 318 from Arobindo’s expression?

Supporting Dialogue

At the end of the video, Josh claims that both expressions, 9 × 318 and 1 × 3(2+18), “can be representing the same diagram.” Ask your students to validate Josh’s claim by making connections between components of each expression and either the context of the beanstalk or the diagram of the timeline that Josh and Arobindo created.