Simplifying Algebraic Equations
ET and Haleemah explore a new situation of three friends purchasing game apps for a phone or iPad. They come up with a method for finding how much the friends spend altogether, then apply their method for apps of different prices. They generalize their first method, then create a different, shorter method. Finally, they compare their methods and explain why the equations are equal.
Episode 1: Making Sense
ET and Haleemah make sense of the game app context and think of a way to find the total amount of money spent by a group of friends on several game apps.
Episode 2: Repeating Your Reasoning
The students apply their method for apps of different prices: one with a whole number price and one with a decimal price.
Episode 3: Exploring
The students generalize their method and write an algebraic equation that shows the relationship between the cost per game and the total amount spent by the friends.
Episode 4: Exploring
Haleemah and ET generalize new methods for finding the total amount spent by the friends on game apps. They write an equation that shows the relationship between the cost per app and the total amount spent by the friends.
Episode 5: Reflecting
ET and Haleemah resolve a struggle from the previous episode and The students work to explain the relationship between the two algebraic expressions they have written.
Episode 6: Reflecting
Haleemah and ET work to explain why the two methods are equal by explaining what each part of their equations mean in the gaming app context.